Peer Support

Peer support is a cornerstone service in many of Quest's programs. Quest peers have lived experience with many of our core programs. They are a powerful resource for people experiencing similar challenges.

What is the role of peer support services?

The goal of peer mentors at Quest is to provide you peer to peer support in your efforts to access and remain engaged in Quest’s programs. Using a model that values lived experience as a way to promote recovery, Quest hires certified peer specialists who have lived experience in the program they serve in. A peer mentor’s goal is to serve as a resource for people experiencing similar recovery challenges.

Quest’s peer mentors help prioritize marginalized communities for whom the impact of HIV, addiction issues, mental health or other issues are most severe. Using this framework, our services can address health equity gaps along lines of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender expression.

Peer Mentors walk with you on your journey

Peer mentors work in collaboration with other Quest staff and partner organizations to support you in accessing medical and behavioral health services. Not only can they make internal referrals to Quest programs, but they can also make referrals to local treatment providers. Peer to peer counseling helps clients navigate addiction treatment systems in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and other counties in Oregon. They help each individual connect with housing, healthcare, mental health, and other service providers to improve medical outcomes. 

Your peer mentor is your health advocate. Types of peer support can:: 

  • Co-create wellness goals based on your health experiences

  • Offer individualized care to help you succeed in those wellness goals

  • Travel with you to and from appointments to provide support as needed

  • Facilitation of mental health and wellness groups

Programs with Peer Mentors

To sign up and find a peer support specialist near you, call 503-238-5203 or complete a Client Interest Form.