Community Resources
Directory of Resources
Mental Health
24-hr Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1-800-273-8255David Romprey Oregon Warmline :
1-800-698-2392Multnomah County Crisis Line:
503-988-4888Washington County Crisis Line:
503-291-9111Clackamas County Crisis Line (Riverstone):
503-655-8585Riverstone Mental Health Crisis Center:
503-722-6200Call to Safety:
503- 235-5333Cascadia 24-hour Urgent Walk-In Clinic (For Medication) 2415 SE 43rd (use West entrance at SE 42nd/ Division) Bus #4
Oregon Health Authority List of Culturally & Linguistically Specific Services
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQIA2S+)
LGBTQ Health Coalition of the Columbia-Willamette Q Center (Portland’s LGBTQ Community Center):
503-234-7837SMYRC (Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Center):
503-872-9664Trevor Project (Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ Youth)
1-866-488-7386Trans Lifeline (Hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people)
Al-Anon Portland:
503-222-5756Alcohol & Drug Helpline:
1-800-923-4357Crystal Meth Anonymous Hotline:
213-488-4455Narcotics Anonymous (24 hrs):
503-345-9839Gambling Anonymous:
503-233-5888Sex Addicts Anonymous:
503-452-5961Tobacco Quit Line:
1-877-270-7867Lines for Life:
800-273-8255 or text
273TALK to 839836
Cascade AIDS Project:
503-223-5907HIV/Hep C Prevention Program:
503-988-3030Multnomah HIV Clinic:
503-988-5020Multnomah Co. Health Dept. HIV/STD/Hep C Testing:
503-988-3700OHSU Partnership Project:
503-230-1202Oregon AIDS/STD Hotline:
1-800-777-2437Our House:
Oregon and SW Washington County Resources
What to Do During an ICE Raid
Cards to print and carry (in 18 languages)
Various scenarios to prepare for (info for home, public, job
What families should do now to prepare (in 8 languages)