World AIDS Day 2021

Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day. Since 1988, on this day, the world collectively recognizes the impact of HIV and AIDS and the lives that have been lost since first cases were identified in 1981. This year's World AIDS Day theme is: Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice.
On this day, we remember that entire communities and generations have been lost due to AIDS-related complications, and that the effects of this pandemic are not solely medical, but political, financial, social, and most of all, human. The HIV pandemic has affected every level of human existence, and everyday we are reminded of this. More so, we are reminded that although the virus does not discriminate, marginalized communities such as the Black, Native, Latinx, and Trans communities experience the virus at disproportionate rates.

Quest's roots lie in the world of HIV, in ensuring that those who were made to feel less than human had the connection and support to know that they matter. We carry this legacy onward in the work that we do to this day in this agency.


Free Smartphones for Portlanders Holiday Event


The Miracles Club is having a Vaccine Event this Saturday!