Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine Ingredients
The mRNA vaccines do not have any ingredients that are not similar or identical to molecules that are already found in your body. There are NO parts of any virus used in this vaccine that can lead to any viral infection. All ingredients in this virus are broken down by your body within days of being vaccinated.
mRNA: This is a small molecule that goes into your cells and builds proteins. For this vaccine, it builds a harmless protein that is identical to proteins found on the COVID-19 virus. After building a couple copies of this protein, enzymes in your cells break down the mRNA molecules and the protein is then presented to your immune system, which then recognizes it as foreign and creates antibodies. Once the mRNA is broken down, no more proteins can be made, and your cells resume their normal functions.
Lipids: This is a fancy word for molecules that make up oils and fats. All of the cells in your body have a border or membrane made of lipids! Like the little circles of oil you see in noodle soup, lipid molecules create "greasy" and slippery circles that are great for transporting nutrients and essential molecules to your cells. Many supplements, like liquid vitamin D, use lipids to transport nutrients efficiently to your cells.
Salts and acids: Salts and acids are added to the vaccine to help protect the mRNA molecules from the acidity in your body and blood. By balancing out the acidity, the vaccine is able to get more mRNA molecules into your cells to create enough proteins for your immune system to recognize and respond to.
Sugar: Sucrose molecules, or "table sugar" is also added to help the mRNA molecules keep their form and not break when they are frozen for transport.
What are proteins?
Proteins make up most of the "stuff" in your body, like muscle fibers, enzymes that break down your food, and the molecules that hold your cells tightly together. All proteins are made by mRNA molecules in your cells. Your body needs A LOT of proteins, but mRNA molecules are very fragile, and your body is constantly breaking them down and making new mRNA molecules.