Meet Brittany

Brittany Alvarado - Recovery Peer Mentor

Hello! What is your name(s) and pronouns? What have your roles/positions/titles been at Quest Center? How do you explain what you do when you meet someone in the "elevator?"

My journey with Quest actually started in 2015 as a client in the FSR program… fast forward to 2020, I was hired on as Front desk at the Burnside location. 2021 I transitioned over to the FSR program as a certified recovery mentor. I get the opportunity to help others see what life is and can be clean and sober. I get to walk their path through the ups and downs, when they wanna give up, I get to help them push through. I get to help gather resources to make sure they are takin care of as a whole, not just during the time I interact with them, but physically, mentally, and spiritually. I get to build relationships with clients and watch them grow and blossom while at Quest. I get to give back what was given to me in the FSR program.


What are your go-to hobbies outside of working at Quest? ( What gives you energy/makes you tick)

I am pretty cool!! I love the sunshine and water! Paddle-boarding, laying out like a lizard in the sun with all my girlfriends, jumping off things… anything in the water. Camping is also a favorite of mine, and hiking… I love hiking. I also enjoy my nights in watching movies and cuddling with my zoo of cats.


What's going on in your particular department right now and individually- projects, themes, interests that folx might want to know some tidbits about? Remember, you are an expert in your field! Most of us don't know all the good stuff you do about the ins and outs of your knowledge and experience.

So FSR is amazing… our team is literally the best. Right now I’m working on the next speaker meeting/client gathering. I love bringing everyone together as a community and be able to share our experiences and get to know one another… community is such a huge deal for us recovering addicts/alcoholics


What do you enjoy most about working at Quest, besides the fact that Quest is the best?

My work family!


Winter Sexual Wellness Groups


Zumba to start at Miracles Club 1/3 @ 3pm