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Executive Director / Doctor of Chinese Medicine / Acupuncturist

Dr. Eisen is a licensed acupuncturist. He graduated from Cornell University, received his Master’s in Social Work from Washington University, Chinese medical training from the New England School of Acupuncture, and his doctorate in Chinese Medicine from Open University of Sri Lanka. He was a founding member and served on the board of directors for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, a national organization that trains and advocates for the use of acupuncture for behavioral medical conditions. He was on the faculty of the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. For 22 years he served as Director of Central City Concern’s Portland Alternative Health Center and as Director of Clinical Services. 

As the Executive Director of Quest Center for Integrative Health, David continues his practice of serving people with chronic diseases including HIV/AIDS, cancer, addictions, and mental health disorders as well as chronic pain. David served 2 terms on the Oregon Pain Management Commission.  He also serves on various work groups helping develop public health guidelines in Oregon. 

Dr. Eisen has helped to establish groundbreaking clinical programs integrating acupuncture for addictions and pain in Federally Qualified Health Centers and co-authored policies and guidelines for the treatment of chronic pain in homeless adults that was commissioned by the National Health Care for the Homeless Coalition (2011). He has also served as a reviewer for the National Institutes for Health on alternative therapies. Though born and raised in New York, David is a committed Oregonian where he has lived, worked, loved, and raised a family since 1987.