New Patient Forms

To optimize the care that we can provide, we require that all new patients, and returning patients who have not been seen in 3+ years, complete our intake forms. Please click on the following links. You may skip any non-required question as needed. 

Quest Center Agency Registration

Please complete this form once a year. You may skip this form if you have recently completed it via docusign or paper for another Quest Center provider. 


Acknowledgement, Consent, Confidentiality, Office Policy and Rights and Responsibilities

Please complete this form once a year. You may skip this form if you have recently completed it via docusign or paper for another Quest Center provider. 


Medical New Patient Intake

This form may take 10-40 minutes to complete. Please leave questions blank if not applicable. For any urgent issues, please contact your Primary Care Provider (PCP), go to urgent care, or call 911. 


Release of Information

Please complete this form so that Quest can communicate and retrieve records from your current/former Primary Care Provider (PCP). You may complete this form as well for any additional providers you would like us to be able to communicate with in regards to coordinating your care. 


NOTE: Dr. Quinn and Dr. Neal are NOT primary care providers (PCP). You MUST have a PCP for any issues that cannot be addressed by them. Please contact our office if you would like to be established with our PCP, Colleen Huntwork FNP.

More handouts can be found on the following resource pages: